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Settlement's profile



2 Messages

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 3:36 PM

ATTM Settlement

I received two checks for the ATTM Settlement. Is this legit or a scam?

The check offered a web site to look into, www.attmsettlement.com, but I am wary as it came from the same paper as the check. In key word searching att.com for attmsettlement I didn't see any ready reference to the settlement.



Community Support


3.1K Messages

8 years ago

Hello @Settlement,


Thanks for reaching out.  We can confirm that the checks you received from the AT&T Mobility Settlement are legitimate.  More information about the class action settlement is available on the website http://attmsettlement.com/

If you have any questions about the settlement, please contact us via the settlement hotline at 1-877-905-8928 or submit an inquiry through the "contact us" page.


Thank you,

Nancy A

AT&T Social Media Manager



2 Messages

8 years ago

Thank you Nancy.


I already was on that web site you provided, it was my first stop. I just suspected it may be a scam due to that the site would not link to the greater at&t.com site.

With your response I am satisfied and will cash the check.



2 Messages

8 years ago

I can't believe ATT sent checks for 27cents instead of crediting my account. The expense and postage alone far surpasses the value. In fact, the settlement becomes a penalty instead of a reward. I mailed the check, properly endorsed, to the ATT payment center with instructions to apply to my account and they sent it back with no explanation. Makes you wonder.

Community Support


3.1K Messages

8 years ago

Hello @lngolf,


I apologize for the trouble.  The checks come from a third party.  You can go ahead and cash the check.  Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.


Nancy A

AT&T Social Media Manager



2 Messages

8 years ago

To: Nancy A.

Thanks for the reply. I can't cash the check because I endorsed it to the order of ATT thinking that they would honor my request and apply it to my account. Don't understand why they sent it back with no explanation. I assume they accept personal checks for payment and with my endorsement, that is what it was. I just wanted someone to know how idiotic the ATTM settlement process was. The lawyers probably made a lot of money, but the process they set up was ludicrous.


Community Support


3.1K Messages

8 years ago

Hello @ingolf,


I apologize for the frustration on this.  If you would like me to escalate this and have someone follow up with you, please send me a private message by clicking here: https://forums.att.com/t5/notes/privatenotespage/tab/compose/note-to-user-id/3512576

And include the following details:   


  • Full Name/Business Name on Account:
  • Preferred Contact #:
  • Preferred time to be contacted (including time zone)
  • Email address:
  • What type of service (Uverse, DSL, Landline, Wireless):


Thank you,

Nancy A.

AT&T Social Media Manager




2 Messages

8 years ago

I received one as well for  $00.01 cents i guess they couldn't find a way to send less.



1 Message

8 years ago

I received a check for $6.69.  I was curious as to what the attorneys are making on this deal.  A couple of places on the internet reported that the attorneys asked for a little over $239 million!!!!  That's the fee for their work, not the total amount of the settlement, and it appears that the total time for facilitating the case was less than one year.  The attorney fees seem VERY excessive.  Can you inform us of what the total amount of fees the attorneys received for this case? 


I often receive letters from attorneys who want to get money out of various entities - often insurance companies - on my behalf and have become interested in how well they are lining their own pockets in the process. 



2 Messages

8 years ago

I got my check today. A whopping $0.03!! I betcha those attorneys made out like bandits on this settlement. I spend, on average, $240 a month for my cell and data service, and I only get 3 cents back? Wow. 


I'm hoping someone at AT&T can offer some suggestions on how I can spend this cash windfall. Perhaps they can recommend a good investment broker... 



1 Message

8 years ago

I got a whopping 29 cents. I'm sure there is some litigious reason why they had to be mailed but as usual, the lawyers win. I wonder what the schmuck customer that started the ball rolling got out of it?!



1 Message

8 years ago

I find this a joke.  Between my wife and I we recieved a whole $0.72.  That attorney must of taken 90% as fees.  The paper these checks are writen on is worth more than the checks issued.  The person who got over $6 buck your lucky.



1 Message

8 years ago

I was crying  because I got only 39 cts...Then I read that somebody got 3 cts, then another person got only 1 ct....Now I feel much better...I endorsed the check and I will mail it to my bank to credit my account... I  have a forever stamp  that I paid only 47 cts...I am also debating if I should sent it registered with tracking...I would hate it if it was lost!



1 Message

8 years ago

The bank, Central Bank, is no longer in business ; Bank of America won't allow a deposit, so how do I get my $73.36? Tried at both the ATM (they returned it) & in the branch.



1 Message

8 years ago

Some of these comments had me laughing! As for my husband and I, Big money big money big money... A whopping $3.91 Just enough to buy a small kids Chocolate milk from a Starbucks. Maybe. Sweet meat!



1 Message

8 years ago

It is so frustrating- why on earth did they approve almost a $0.25Billion payment to 92 lawyers but we the injured parties only get a few dollars or less! How is this $1billion estimated windfall to the 34million class members distributed? How much did CA agree to refund & to how many? How do we know we got what we are due! ...because there is no way I only paid $1.19 in extra tax over these 5 years 2005-2010! Even if we all got $2 each that's only $68million! Where did the rest of the $750million disappear to after the lawyers got their piece. $2.5million each after fees&expenses! Disgraceful. This type of class action should not be approved- courts need to mandate smarter & more direct & transparent refunds of OUR money! This is fraud. Our "tax" was just funneled to the lawyers! ATTM settlement administrator is even just a PO box in Wash,DC. No recourse for customers. FAIL.
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